Hearing of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on Energy Innovation


Date: March 20, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Hearing of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on Energy Innovation

Statement of Ted Stevens

Mr. Chairman, thank you for holding this hearing on energy innovation. This country's growing demand for energy is an issue that is important for us all. Our country needs a new energy paradigm. The 21st century will be the proving ground for our commitment to achieve both energy independence and new, clean fuels. Our current energy challenges will be solved by a combination of energy initiatives, increased domestic production of petroleum, and the development of alternative sources of energy. These are all part of the broader solution and we must find the appropriate balance between them.

The future holds a staggering list of possibilities for new energy technologies. In my state alone, we are looking at harnessing ocean and tidal energy and utilizing wood waste to produce ethanol. Some of our fishermen are currently using fish oil to power their operations and Chena Hot Springs, outside Fairbanks, has harnessed energy from geothermal resources to power their resort.

However, renewable and alternative sources of energy are expensive and it will take time for them to become realistic and affordable options. I look forward to hearing from the witnesses today as they discuss a wide spectrum of emerging ideas and technologies.
